Case History
► Several technical support staff with minimum of 25 years of Polymer experience.
► 15 years of Geo Textile Tubes experience at 30 to 40 Tube projects each year.
► Complete line of products for precipitation of metals that work in conjunction with Geotextile Tubes.
► Complete inventory of rental or for sale polymer make down units including dry polymer systems.
► Laboratory analytical capability including dewatering testing, metal analysis, etc.
► 50 plus years of experience dealing with mining applications including coal mining , gold mining, etc.
► Engineering personnel that have designed and built clarification systems.
► Experience with other types of dewatering applications including belt presses.
► Complete line of polymer chemistry (competitvely priced) for almost any application; including coagulants, inorganic coagulants, flocculants, & dewatering polymers.
► Experience working with dredgers and dredging applications.